Hazard Communication
Duration (Min): 29 mins

Member Price: $15 USD
Non-member Price: $20 USD

Relevant Standards
29 CFR 1910.1200, the Hazard Communication Standard (OSHA)
Course Description
Many employees in many different industries work with hazardous chemicals. The Occupational Safety and Health Administration (OSHA) has an Occupational Chemical Database currently listing more than 800 hazardous chemicals used in U.S. workplaces. Many of these chemicals can cause injury or death if workers don’t take the right precautions. Employees who successfully complete this course should be able to recognize the purpose and requirements of a hazard communication, or HAZCOM program, and identify chemical hazards and their controls in their workplace. They should also be able to identify sources of information for workplace chemical hazards and requirements for medical recordkeeping. This course is designed for employees who need initial or refresher HAZCOM training. This course is presented in English, Bosnian German, Polish, Portuguese and Spanish.
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