Carbon Monoxide Awareness
Duration (Min): 18 mins

Member Price: $15 USD
Non-member Price: $20 USD

Relevant Standards
29 CFR 1910.1000; 29 CFR 1917.24
Course Description
Carbon monoxide is a colorless, odorless, tasteless gas that is lighter than air. High concentrations of carbon monoxide can interfere with the oxygen-carrying capacity of the bloodstream, and prolonged exposure can cause serious injury and death. The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) report that carbon monoxide poisoning kills more than 400 people and hospitalizes 4,000 every year. Workers who successfully complete this course should be able to identify the chemical properties and sources of carbon monoxide, recognize symptoms of and treatment for carbon monoxide exposure, and identify workplace controls to prevent carbon monoxide exposure. This course is presented in English and Spanish.
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