Carcinogen Awareness
Duration (Min): 14 mins

Member Price: $12 USD
Non-member Price: $15 USD

Relevant Standards
29 CFR 1910 Subpart Z, OSH Act (5)(a)(1) General Duty Clause
Course Description
A carcinogen is, by definition, a substance that causes cancer. Carcinogens cause cancer by causing unhealthy cell mutations or advancing mutated cell replication. Many work processes or pieces of workplace equipment can expose workers to carcinogens, and the potential health effects may not be apparent for many years. Taking this course will help employees recognize the hazards, characteristics, and safe work practices associated with workplace carcinogens. This course is designed for all employees working in occupations that are associated with carcinogenic substances, chemical or otherwise. This course will help employers to comply with OSHA’s standards on Toxic and Hazardous Substances. This course is presented in both English and Spanish.
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